Create Google oAuth Token

Google Page:

  1. Create a project
  2. Go to Credentials
  3. Configure Consent Screen
    1. External
    2. Fill out the form (name, support email, dev contact information (can put this if you want:
    3. Save and Continue
    4. Scopes (don't fill out) - Save and Continue
    5. Test users (don't fill out) - Save and Continue
    6. Back to Dashboard (You can always edit this later too)
  4. Go to Credentials
  5. Click on Create Credentials
    1. OAuth Client ID
  6. Web Application
  7. Name it whatever you want
    1. I suggest you domain name (
  8. Authorized JavaScript origins
    1. domain name (ie.
  9. Authorized redirect URI's
    1. domain name (ie.
  10. Create
  11. It will pop up your Client ID and Secret
    1. I need these
    2. Make sure you keep them safe

Last Modified: 06/06/2023
